Lockdown exercises for over 60s

Published on 10 April 2020 04:45 PM
FREE fun and simple at-home exercise programmes for the over 60s
Now that the UK is on lockdown due to the global Covid-19 outbreak, wellbeing is even more important than ever, to ensure that we remain stimulated mentally, physically and emotionally.
It can be difficult to know where to start with exercising at home, so Oomph! Wellness have developed some simple and easy-to-follow weekly exercise programmes for the over 60s.Oomph! Wellness will be adding further, progressive, stages as time goes on.
These programmes can be viewed on the Oomph! Wellness website, or downloaded and printed to follow at home.
One of our ever-willing volunteers has been 'road testing' the Oomph exercises and here is his verdict so far:
"I completed the first session, and enjoyed it. I put on some quiet background music to aid concentration.
The main thing is to make sure you are sitting comfortably before you begin.
The exercises can be done at speed, or as slowly as you like. As this was my first outing, I took my time over the exercises, pausing to make sure I had done everything as per the illustrations. These are by and large straight-forward, but like Tai Chi you have to have to remember you are following a mirror image!
There are are two versions of the instructions, the first of which might be classed as an overall view or summary guide. It is bolder than the more detailed one, which you can access via pressing the button on the week in question. Which one you use is down to the individual preference I would guess."
And, not lacking in staying power, here is his verdict on the Week 2 exercises:
In a nutshell,the format is the same as Week One,and divided into four sections :-
1) Stretch and Flex Movements;
2) Stretch Movements;
3) Coordination;
4) Soft Cardio Movements.
There are slight variations in some of the exercises but they are easy to follow, a bit more advanced with clear onscreen instructions.
Only one of these to follow this time - the "in depth" ,so I enlarged the size. If you have a printer you might choose to do yourself a full set before you commence.
Probably as well to glance through the sections before you commence as well. I had some quiet background music on like last session. When I got to Soft Cardio Section, you are invited to" Walk/jog like nobody is watching"! It suggests you do this to a favourite song or radio track,and you do the movements everytime there is a chorus/refrain!
And now the latest on the test drive of Week 3:
Week No.3. develops a lot of the movements in Weeks 1 and 2, using the same format of four sections.
Some exercises are the same, mainly in the first two sections, but with longer repeats. I liked the last part of Section Two where you can combine and coordinate some of the exercises. It is not at all complicated if you follow the onscreen instructions.
New ones are found in the remaining two sections:-
In Section Three you will need a ball, or make yourself one with a couple of pairs of socks! Brain aerobics which followed these movements seemed a bit complicated at first,as there is no diagram,but if you persevere, the exercise becomes more apparant and your coordination should improve.
The final exercise(Soft Cardio) ,a full body scan is basically "head and shoulders,knees and....." ankles replacing "toes"! When you get coordinated,it becomes easier.
And finally from our now much fitter 'guinea pig':
The fourth session draws together everything you should have been doing over the previous three weeks. Save yourself time and ensure you have a suitable chair for both sitting and standing movements;also, find or make a small ball as you did in the last session before you commence.
There are the same four stages listed previously, The main message to remember is as before,make yourself comfortable,do not overdo things,and stop if you feel unable to complete a task. Despite its easy going pace,it is more intensive and concentrated,yet by the end you will have exercised all parts of your body.
I did find as I worked through the sections,my fingers started to tingle and changed to a nice pink colour as they do when warming up for Tai Chi,and my heart rate increased. This is mentioned in the graphs (done in collaboration with Arthritis Action).
My favourite exercise was the last one "Soft Cardio Movements"(Mini Circuit) with leg kicks,double arm reach outs, and buttercup side reach on each arm. I managed all 15 times!
The onscreen demonstrator is not at all intrusive,but gives a sense of companionship as you progress. Many of you who might try the sessions are probably like me missing your group exercises due to Lockdown. This is a way of compensating and you can work at your own pace. Good luck, keep well and stay safe!
If you have any pain or discomfort, please do not to take part. If you are new to exercising, or have not done so in a while, please make sure you start off with small movements and progress to bigger and more difficult movements over time.
More on Coronavirus
- Age UK National's Covid 19 information pages
- Gov.UK - NE England: local restrictions. What you can and can't do
- NHS 111 online - Check if you have coronavirus symptoms
- Gov.UK - Coronavirus (COVID-19): what you need to do
- Get support as an extremely vulnerable person
- Citizens Advice - Coronavirus - what it means for you
- Age UK North Tyneside Information and Advice
- Covid 19 - How to help safely (Gov.UK)
- Covid 19 Myth busters (World Health Organisation)
- Covid 19- Information for the bereaved from UK Government
- Gov.UK - Coronavirus outbreak FAQs: what you can and can't do
- Wellbeing and mental health during Covid-19
- Tyne Health's Long Covid resource hub