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Not enough support for disabled

disability sign

Published on 20 April 2020 04:44 PM

Only one in five disabled and older people feels the government is doing enough to support them during the COVID-19 outbreak. 

A snap UK-wide survey by RiDC (the Research Institute for Disabled Consumers)  shows that the UK government is failing many disabled and older people during the current COVID-19 pandemic.

Over 840 people (54%) of the RiDC consumer panel  responded between 30th March and 3 April 2020, by email and also over the phone, expressing urgent, real-life concerns.

People were asked about the level of support they are receiving, how supermarkets are performing, how they are dealing with the overall situation and their concerns for the future.  

Read the survey findings: COVID-19 impact on disabled and older people in the UK

50% of people with care support needs are no longer receiving health or personal care visits to their home:

“I have a team of three PA’s. Last week two were off sick. 

I tried ringing care agencies but none were taking new clients. Should my PA’s all be off at the same time, I don’t know what I will do.”

Read more quotes from older and disabled people about their immediate concerns

The survey results have been forwarded to the Disability Charities Consortium (DCC), a coalition of the UK’s ten largest disability charities, who are in regular contact with the government during the current Coronavirus outbreak. 

RiDC has useful links for disabled and older people concerning the coronavirus.

RiDC will be carrying out a follow up survey with its consumer panel in the next few weeks to see if the situation has changed as people adjust to a ’new normal’.


  • RiDC is a UK consumer research charity run by disabled people:
  • The RiDC consumer panel is made up of over 1,600 older and disabled people, with a range of ages and impairments, who inform all of RiDC’s work: RiDC consumer panel  
