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Physical activity videos aimed at people living with health conditions

Exercises for those with health conditions

Published on 29 November 2021 08:25 PM

New physical activity videos available from the charities behind We Are Undefeatable are being launched today (29th November).

The charities who brought you We Are Undefeatable have come together to produce a set of six physical activity videos aimed at people living with health conditions, who might benefit from moving more to manage symptoms such as fatigue, pain and stiffness, and who may struggle to get motivated to be active at home.

The videos - delivered by experienced instructors Anne, Alex, Michelle, and Sandra - are titled Make Your Move. The content is now available for you to view on YouTube at this link:

The instructors will take you through 6 different activity sessions, each with a different theme and focus, such as: energising activities to help with stamina, boxing to support coordination, and mindful movement to alleviate stress.

The FREE videos are aimed at people who are living with long term conditions and who could benefit from moving more.

To find out more about the videos, watch this short summary here!

For more assistance in getting motivated why not try Age UK North Tyneside's Healthy Habits programme.