How to Keep Warm in Winter

Published on 16 October 2023 07:50 AM
Changes to our bodies as we get older often mean cold weather and winter bugs affect us more than they used to – but there are things you can do to help you stay warm and well.
As we get older, our bodies respond differently to the cold. It can become harder for our immune systems to fight off bugs and viruses, make health conditions harder to manage, and we can find it more difficult to move about and keep warm.
The good news is that there's plenty we can do to help keep ourselves well in winter.

Keep moving
A little bit of activity now and then is a great way to help you keep warm, as well as help you maintain strength and mobility. So try not to sit still for more than an hour at a time.
There's no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to keeping moving, so it's important you do something that feels right – and safe – for you.
If you're not sure where to start, or you have a long-term condition that makes moving more difficult, we have advice and tips on how you can get active in a way that works for you.
Our Health & Wellness classes can help get you moving

Eat well
It can sometimes be difficult to keep up the motivation to prepare meals. But it's good to try and keep to a routine where you can. Hot food and drinks can help you to keep warm, so try to have one hot meal a day and as many hot drinks as you can.
Try to have a range of foods in your diet and try to eat fruit and vegetables each day – frozen and tinned vegetables can be just as good as fresh. It's also a good idea to keep your cupboards stocked with some basics just in case you can't get out to the shops – whether due to illness or bad weather.
The main thing to remember is that it's better to eat a bit of what you fancy than to eat nothing – even if it's just a slice of cake.
If you've recently lost weight without meaning to, or if you have a smaller appetite than usual, visit the Malnutrition Task Force to find out why this might be and what might help.
This winter many of us may be worried about the rise in the cost of living, which has made shopping for groceries and using energy to cook and heat food more expensive.
The British Dietetic Association (BDA) has some tips for saving money on your shopping and reducing food waste, as well as some budget meal ideas. If you're worried about being able to afford food, the BDA also has some information on local food banks and useful helplines.
Find out more on the BDA website

Get your winter vaccinations – even if you're fighting fit
Respiratory viruses are more widespread in winter, so it's especially important to get your vaccinations. Vaccinations are particularly important this winter as flu and coronavirus levels are expected to rise.
If you're aged 65 and over you might be eligible for a coronavirus booster jab. And it's not too late to have your first jabs if you haven't yet.
You're entitled to a free flu jab from the doctor or pharmacist if you:
- are aged 65 or over
- care for someone, such as a friend or family member
- are under 65 and have a serious long-term health condition
- live in the same house as someone who is immunocompromised
- are in long-stay residential care.
When you get your flu jab, check if you're also eligible for the pneumo vaccine, which helps protect you from pneumonia, and the Shingles vaccine.
Find out more about the flu jab

Make sure your home is warm enough
Try to heat your home to a steady and comfortable temperature throughout the day in the rooms you use most, such as the living room and bedroom. If there are rooms you don't use, like a spare bedroom, turn off the radiators in that room and close the doors. This will help you save on energy costs while keeping warm in winter. Close all the curtains at dusk to help keep heat in.
It's a good idea to keep your bedroom window closed at night when the weather's at its coldest.
If you're having trouble with the costs of heating your home, you might be entitled to government support.
Find out more about what support you can get with your energy bills

Stop the spread of germs
As well as getting vaccinated, there are some other simple measures we can take to reduce the spread of illness.
Regularly washing your hands with soap and water is one of the best ways to stop germs from spreading. It's a good idea to keep some hand santiser with you when you're out and about, too.
You can also:
- catch coughs and sneezes in a tissue
- choose to wear a face covering in busy indoor spaces, like shops
- leave windows ajar to let fresh air circulate when meeting people indoors
- avoid close contact with people who are unwell.

Wrap up well and stay stocked up
Wearing plenty of layers is the best way to keep warm in winter. If you're heading out, make sure you take some extra layers – even if you don’t need them immediately. It's a good idea to be prepared because the temperature can drop significantly when the sun goes in.
It's a good idea to stock up on cold and sore throat remedies, too. Your pharmacist can give you advice on what might help if you're feeling under the weather.
See Age UK's top tips on how to keep your hands and feet warm
The cold can increase the risk of a stroke or heart attack, as well as hypothermia. If you think you or someone else is experiencing any of these symptoms, call 999 (or 112 from a mobile) immediately and ask for an ambulance.
For a stroke, think FAST:
F – Is the face drooping on one side?
A – Can the person raise both arms and keep them there?
S – Is speech slurred?
T – Time to call 999 if you spot any one of these signs.
Find out more about strokes on the NHS website
Many people experience severe chest pain during a heart attack – but the symptoms can be different for different people.
Hypothermia is a medical emergency, just like a stroke or a heart attack.
Call 111 for non-emergency health advice. In an emergency, call 999.
For further help and advice on staying warm this winter, call Age UK North Tyneside on 0191 280 8484 or get in touch online.