Celebrating 100 successful Strength & Balance courses

Published on 15 August 2024 01:18 PM
On 15th August, we celebrated the completion of our 100th Strength & Balance course.
Our Strength & Balance courses are designed to help rehabilitate people who have recently had a fall. Each course runs for 12 weeks and helps improve strength, balance, stamina and flexibility through seated and standing exercises using resistance bands.
Funded by the North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board (ICB), our Strength & Balance courses support the NHS's current 10-year plan to reduce hospital admissions and reduce the pressure on critical services like the NHS and ambulance services. By focusing on admissions avoidance, we can help people live at home for longer while retaining their independence.
This August, we are excited to be celebrating the completion of our 100th Strength & Balance course. Here's what some of our customers had to say about the course.
"At the end of 2022, following lockdowns and my retirement, I was referred to the Age UK North Tyneside's Strength & Balance class via the falls clinic at Shiremoor. The strength in my legs was so poor I was struggling to get out of my chair and to climb the stairs. I started on the course and each week followed the advice given by Laura to practice. My mobility became so much improved within weeks and watching the improvement of my course colleagues was incredible. I am so pleased that I was referred and my life is back on track with me gaining my mobility back. Thank you."
"From the first to last session, you were so welcoming and gauged the needs of not only Ken, but everyone there. With your help, encouragement and support Ken grew in confidence with the exercises each week, his overall progress was great and they help him with everyday life. He still uses the 'nose over toes' when getting up from the chair. Great class, run by a great instructor. Thanks so much."
Denise and Ken
"Laura is so much good fun and full of encouragement. She really knows her stuff. I tripped over in a carpark and subsequently I was offered a place such a course which I took up. I am so glad I did. The course lasted for about 12 weeks with each session lasting about an hour and concentrated on muscle strengthening and building confidence in balancing. It was really good fun. I enjoyed doing the exercises and I was amazed at my progress. I found the balancing exercises particularly challenging. You will be in the company of others of a similar (mature!) age and level of fitness. I was amazed how much my balance and confidence improved. Do give it a go. You will enjoy it and it's free!"
If you have recently had a fall and feel you would benefit from our Strength & Balance course, get in touch today. Call us on 0191 280 8484 or email enquiries@ageuknorthtyneside.org.uk.
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