World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

Published on 15 June 2024 08:00 AM
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (or WEAAD) is a globally recognised awareness day to discuss Elder Abuse. Organisations and individuals can show their solidarity with their older customers and loved ones who need their support.
Elder Abuse is an increasingly serious problem that affects both health and human rights. The aim is to highlight why this needs to end and promote a dignified, empathetic, and respectful way of caring for those who need it.
What is abuse?
Some older people can be more vulnerable to abuse. Factors such as cognitive impairment and incapacity often mean decisions are made on their behalf, which may not always be for their benefit.
Anyone can be a victim of abuse, Age UK explains “incidents of abuse and neglect may be one-off or they may be multiple, and they can affect one person or more. Someone can also be affected by more than one type of abuse at the same time.”
Some signs of abuse are obvious, and others are not. It’s important we’re looking out for the older community and understand when things aren’t right. Abuse can be:
- Physical Abuse
- Emotional Abuse
- Financial Abuse
- Sexual Abuse
- Organisational Abuse
- Neglect
- Domestic Abuse
- Discriminatory abuse
- Modern slavery
What support is available?
This World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, we can keep vigilant on the older people we care for to spot signs of abuse. These can include:
- Physical signs such as unexplained cuts, bruises, and wounds
- Low self-esteem
- Extreme behaviour including angry and emotional outbursts
- Signs of malnutrition
- Missed medical appointments
And anything else that might be out of the blue.
Harbour is an organisation, dedicated to understanding and supporting the physical and psychological impacts of abuse. They offer advice and practical support to help victims with finances, housing and rebuilding confidence.
Age UK North Tyneside’s Information & Advice team offers practical advice and signposting with thorough, personal support from our team. You can read more about our Information & Advice service here.