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We rely on the generosity of our supporters to fund services for older people in Westminster. Read on to find out why your support is so needed and important.

By raising funds for Age UK Westminster’s vital work, you will help contribute to improving the well-being of older people in the City of Westminster and help make life a more fulfilling and enjoyable experience for them.  You canfind out more about our impact here.

What we do

We give advice

Our trained advisors offer free information and advice to older people, their families and carers. This includes but is not limited to welfare benefits, housing & social care, health care, bereavement, family life and loneliness.

We befriend

Our befriending service provides friendship and support for older people in the community to ensure they do not become lonely or socially isolated.

A helping hand, or a listening ear can make a difference particularly for those that are housebound or have mobility difficulties.

We provide activities

We provide a wide range of activity groups, events and classes, giving older people the opportunity to socialise, or learn a new skill.

If you’re raising money to help Age UK Westminster support older people:

Thank you so much.  By raising funds for Age UK Westminster, you’ll be helping us provide much needed support and activities for Westminster residents aged 50+ and helping us to reduce loneliness and isolation for older people in the borough.