Our Strategy, Vision, Mission and Values

- Co-Design services with older people that they want and need to live a fulfilling life
- Embrace changes and develop new services and support to ensure older people feel included
- Work in collaboration with funders, stakeholders and communities so older people feel safe
We exist to promote the wellbeing of all older people in Calderdale & Kirklees, recognising their right to independence, fulfilment, dignity and choice, working with them, and their carers, to help make later life a fulfilling and enjoyable experience. We will be inclusive and embrace equality and diversity.
‘We will be the centre of excellence providing access to services that meet the needs of older people’
Our strapline is “love later life”
- To be client centred
- Deliver services with compassion
- Value staff and volunteers
- Be inclusive and embrace equality and diversity
- Develop trust in our services
- Everybody working together to achieve the same objectives