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Age UK Calderdale and Kirklees relies on volunteers to help us offer vital services in the local community. Would you like to lend a hand?

Volunteering roles with Age UK Calderdale and Kirklees

Receptionist / Shopmobility and Retail Volunteer

Reception is staffed during normal office hours (Monday - Friday, 9:30am til 4pm) by volunteers and staff, and Saturday 10am til 3pm for Shopmobility. A typical shift involves welcoming visitors, responding to telephone and email enquiries, taking messages for staff, use of the till and other tasks that may be requested from time to time. 

Selling mobility products makes a valuable contribution to our income. As a volunteer you may be asked to prepare and price stock, cover the till point, assist customers, help with window displays. We will train you to carry out assessments for using scooters and if you wish to help with basic maintenance of scooters.

Day Centre Volunteer

As a Day Centre Volunteer you will be involved in a wide range of work which is of assistance to clients and the staff team. Volunteers help make clients feel comfortable and at ease by serving refreshments; helping with lunch; listening and chatting with them; and supporting them in activities and group participation.

Duties can also include making refreshments for clients and visitors; washing up; cleaning the kitchen area; and helping out with laundry when required

Fundraising Volunteer

Enthusiastic and active individuals are always needed to help our Fundraising Team promote Age UK C&K, organise fundraising events in the community and take part in one-off activities such as bucket collections.  You can get involved in attending fairs; running stalls; arranging fundraising events; and acting as an ambassador for the charity. Hours are flexible and can be adapted to suit.

Volunteer Befriender (Calderdale)

Each befriender is matched to one or two older people who are isolated and lonely. You will visit them in their own home either for a conversation, often over a cup of tea or support them to go out and socialise, with you accompanying them for re-assurance. You need to be a confident conversationalist and a good listener. You can be flexible in the times you volunteer and make a real difference to an older person.

If you have just half an hour a week to spare, this could be the volunteering opportunity for you. Trained and vetted volunteers offer conversation and companionship over the telephone to lonley older people who otherwise may not speak to anyone else that week. Times are flexible to suit and the calls are not chargeable to the volunteer. See our befriending page for more information.

Information and Advice Volunteer

You will help clients with information about services and benefits - signposting them to relevant organisations and helping to complete forms, such as Attendance Allowance. You may be asked to visit the client in their own home or to volunteer from our Halifax office. You need to be able to listen, ask appropriate questions and to enter data on screen. You will be given relevant welfare benefits training and be supported by a member of the I&A staff.

IT and Digital Volunteer

Either in a group setting or one-to-one, offering support, training and guidance to older people in the use of technology - mobile phones, tablets, skype, laptops. Many older people are missing out on technology and lack the confidence to try and use it. As more and more services and benefits are online only this is an important volunteering role.

Administration Volunteer

Volunteers support the Business support Team in a range of duties such as, answering telephone calls, filing, photocopying, sorting leaflets, mailshots, using email and computer skills. Opportunities in Halifax and Huddersfield.

Become a Trustee

We are seeking new members for our board of trustees. With a proven track record, you will be a strategic thinker, with the time and skills to commit to this important role.

We welcome applications from anyone with the empathy and inspiration to give their time to Age UK Calderdale & Kirklees and we are particularly keen to hear from candidates with the skills or experience in one or more of the following:

  • Care service provision/commissioning
  • Bid writing
  • Finance and Accountancy
  • Safeguarding
  • Use of technology to improve services
  • Strategy and Innovation
  • HR – Employment Law

Trustee positions are unremunerated – reasonable travel and subsistence expenses can be reimbursed. Time commitment is approximately 40-50 hours per annum.

  • Do you have a passion and commitment to improving the quality of life of older people in your local community?
  • Do you believe that listening to what older people want and need is a good way to improve services?
  • Are you able to work as part of a team?
  • Do you want to share and develop skills?

Then, we’d like to hear from you!

Please email or call 01422 252040 for an application pack.


Kirklees Dementia Hub Volunteer

The Kirklees Dementia Hub is a partnership between Community Links and Age UK Calderdale & Kirklees and offers information and advice for people who are living with dementia and their carers, family and friends.

You will be supporting our community and engagement worker Monika in raising awareness about dementia. This is done by holding information stalls at places such as supermarkets and hospitals, you will be engaging with the public and providing information about how to live well with Dementia and local support services available.

You will also have the opportunity to become a dementia ambassador and run dementia friend sessions plus there are also further opportunities to help facilitate our Bespoke dementia training.

This role would suit but not specific to somebody who has previously been in a caring role or has mild/moderate Dementia

For more information and to apply please call Charlene Friedl on 01484 503 908

Calderdale Dementia Hub Volunteer

The Calderdale Dementia Hub is a partnership between Community Links and Age UK Calderdale & Kirklees and offers information and advice for people who are living with dementia and their carers, family and friends.

Volunteers will work alongside the Dementia Support Coordinators, working with clients and carers, and helping to promote the service at events.

Current Volunteer Opportunities

Admin Volunteer

Advice Line Volunteer

Awareness Raising Volunteer

DEEP Group Support Volunteer

Keep In Touch Volunteer

Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) Group Support Volunteer

Please click on any of the roles above to view a role description.


Meet and Greet Volunteer

Our Meet & Greet Volunteers will:

  • Meet and greet people using the Choices shop
  • Ensure people coming into the Choices shop are directed to the support they
  • Support the Team in managing waiting times at periods of high demand
  • Provide a listening ear to people using and waiting for the service
    including people who may have communication, mobility issues and complex needs

Download Volunteer Role Description

Walking Tennis Volunteer

Our Walking Tennis Volunteers support the running of our Walking Tennis sessions at Queens Sports Club in Halifax on Wednesdays, 10am-11:30am.

This is not an exhaustive list. For more information contact our office on 01422 252 040. We look forward to hearing from you!

Why volunteer?

Volunteering is a great way to meet new people, learn new skills, and support the work we do in the community.

Who can volunteer?

Almost anyone can be a volunteer. We have a wide range of roles which suit different people and different skills.

How much time do I need to give?

It depends on the volunteer role you are interested in. Some people give an hour a week, other people do more.

 Disability Confident logo

 As users of the Disability Confident scheme, we guarantee to consider all disabled applicants who meet the minimum criteria for vacancies.
For more information contact our office on 01422 252 040.

Download our Volunteer Leaflet

Download our volunteer leaflet for more information about volunteering with us and the range of roles available.

Apply to volunteer

Find out more about our volunteering opportunities by calling us on 01422 252 040 or emailing us at or download our volunteering application form.

Expression of Interest Volunteer Form

Would you like to stay connected with Age UK Calderdale & Kirklees
What types of volunteering are you interested in? Check any that apply
Where did you hear about us/our volunteer opportunities?

What our volunteers say...

  • Hiu Ming Baylis

    Hiu Ming Baylis is a befriending volunteer. She has been volunteering for us for over 9 years and is now visiting a lovely older lady called Barbara.

    "I know Barbara looks forward to my visits. No-one knows where they are going to end up in life’ she says ‘and I enjoy helping out and making a difference."