Getting Ready to Retire?

Published on 05 February 2024 01:29 PM
Data from the Office for National Statistics has revealed that a record number of people aged 50+ have transitioned to part-time work in preparation for their retirement.
With studies showing that there has been a 26% increase in the last decade of people aged 50 plus working part-time, this recently released statistic is changing the way we see working up to retirement, bringing the possibility of more flexible career paths.
As we’re living longer and healthier lives and in line with the new pension age announcement, many people aren’t quite ready to leave the world of work, which can provide much needed socialisation alongside a reliable and steady income. Working part-time can help ease the transition into full-time retirement which can seem daunting for many, instead offering more of a work-life balance as you get older.
Age-inclusive and flexible working policies are now becoming a priority in the workplace, and this is a fantastic step towards a more positive work environment for older people, helping you to age well with support from your employer.
Top Tips for Enjoying Your Retirement
Whether you’re reducing your hours to part-time, or are getting ready to retire from work altogether, deciding how you will use your free time will ensure you can enjoy this positive change as you deserve to.
Here are our top tips for getting the most enjoyment from your changed working pattern and retirement.
Find A Hobby
Start to think about a hobby that interests you. Drawing, painting, knitting, yoga, swimming, hiking. It could be anything. Then look for local places that offer groups, lessons or services for your new-found passion. You’ll make lots of friends too!
Check what’s on at your local leisure centre, village hall, college, local U3A group, or our What’s On Guide for activities and groups in your area.
Embrace Technology
Staying connected isn’t always easy, but with the help of a mobile phone, laptop or tablet, it can be made more accessible. The world of technology allows us to stay in the loop with phone calls, text message and emails with the people we love. Lots of libraries offer sessions on improving technology skills, so check out your local library for something similar.