Neighbourly Connectors

- Location: Age UK Ealing
- Price: Free
Telephone: 02085 782712
A free befriending service helping older people in Ealing to engage with their community.
Neighbourly Connectors
Our aim is to match a weekly befriender to an older person to help them have the confidence they need to step into their community.
Would you like to take up a new activity or pursue an old hobby, or head out and visit a place of interest? Or maybe you just want to do some shopping, or have a chat over a cup of coffee?
All our befrienders are volunteers who are police checked and trained by Age UK Ealing. They are committed to connecting you with your community, empowering, and fostering your independence.
The Service is offered to people who:
- Are usually over 65
- Live alone
- Don’t have any regular visitors
- Would like to get out and reconnect with the local community
Companionship and Support
Our befrienders can provide weekly visits to:
- Have a chat over a cup of tea or coffee
- Accompany outings to the shops, social activities, or local events
- Accompany trips to medical appointments, local health promotion talks or health checks
- Help with paperwork and IT
- Help find other services and resources
This sounds great, what do I do next?
If you would like to access this service yourself, refer a friend or relative, or if you are a health and social care professional, or voluntary agency, contact us on 02085782712 and select option 2. You can also contact us using the email address above.
Alternatively, you can download a referral form by clicking the link below.