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Every year Age UK Hillingdon Harrow and Brent help improve the lives of thousands of local people through a wide range of services.

Our Services

We try to get our services right first time and every time and we always welcome positive feedback but occasionally, things do go wrong and when they do we also want to hear about it. We value your feedback and use the information to help inform improvement. We take all complaints seriously.

How do I pass on my complaints?

You can speak to any volunteer or staff member of Age UK HHB regarding your concerns, comments or complaints.
If you would prefer to provide your comments in a letter or email, please do so. If you would prefer to speak with someone who can make a written record of your concerns for you please let us know and we will work with you to achieve this.

Correspondence Address:

Age UK Hillingdon, Harrow, and Brent
3 Chapel Court
126 Church Road

Email: Contact Us via our Online Form

We will answer your concerns quickly and fairly. Your comments are important and can help us to put things right and improve services for other people.
We will treat your comments and your personal details in the strictest confidence. We hope that any problem can be resolved quickly and easily through a discussion with the person concerned or their manager.

What if I am unhappy with the response I receive?

Should you feel that your concerns have not been addressed through discussion with a member of staff, you can write to us to record a formal complaint.

What we will do when you contact us

If you contact us with a complaint, we will acknowledge receipt within 5 working days and undertake a thorough investigation.
If you are complaining on behalf of someone else, we may need to obtain their consent prior to investigating and responding to your concerns.
We will provide you with a written response within 15 working days. If you remain unhappy you can ask us to set up an Appeal Panel of Trustees of Age UK Hillingdon Harrow and Brent. They will provide a further written response and any decision they make will be final.

Please be assured that the services we provide to you will not be affected as a result of making a complaint.