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People are more likely to survive lung cancer if it is caught early.

A Lung Health Check can help catch it in time. 

It just takes 20 minutes of your time. 

Research demonstrates that if you find cancer early, you are more likely to survive.  The NHS would like to catch cancers at the earliest stage possible. This could potentially save 55,000 lives a year. 

Currently in West London 54% of cancers are diagnosed at the early stages, however with lung cancer signs often do not appear until it is at a late-stage and when treatment has a limited impact on survival.  Having a lung health check helps find lung cancer earlier. 

A history of smoking increases your lung cancer risk, especially if you are aged between 55-74 years old, so it is very important for people in this group to be checked. 
The lung health check takes about 20 minutes. You will be asked some questions about your general health and lung health. It will look out for signs of lung cancer too, which can be treated much more successfully when caught sooner.​ You may then be referred back to your GP or be offered a lung cancer screening scan if eligible (based on risk factors related to your lifestyle, medical and family history). 

This is a pilot project working in partnership with H4ALLWest London Cancer Alliance and The Royal Brompton Hospital

For Further Details

Please contact Gill, our Lung Health Engagement Worker on 07510 382 922