Welfare Benefits

- Location: Age UK Richmond upon Thames
- Price: Free
Email: welfarebenefits@ageukrichmond.org.uk
Telephone: 02088 783546
Do you know which welfare benefits older people are entitled to in order to live a more independent and happier life? If you are over state pension age (66 plus) and living in Richmond upon Thames or would like to know on behalf of a family member, contact Welfare Benefits for advice.
We can offer home visits from one of our welfare benefits advisors if needed.
You can also visit us at our walk-in surgery in Whitton, no need to book:
Whitton Social Centre
Every last Tuesday of the Month
10am to 2pm
Or make an appointment to see a member of our team at our Barnes Green Centre:
Barnes Green Centre
Every Thursday
9.30am to 4.30pm
What can we help with?
We can:
Assess the situation, and ensure the correct benefits are being received.
Visit at home if needed, or at a community location to suit.
Follow benefits application through to award, to ensure the best possible chance of success.
Look for other grants and financial support that may help.
Offer advice and support you with Richmond Council's Fuel Grant Scheme application.
Even if you are already claiming benefits, you may be entitled to others - let us check.
You can use the Age UK online benefits checker as a starting point:
How do I book an appoinment?
Contact the Welfare Benefits Team
Telephone: 020 8878 3546
Email: welfarebenefits@ageukrichmond.org.uk
How to make a referral
To make a referral please complete a referral form available on the link below.
Please email your completed referral form to welfarebenefits@ageukrichmond.org.uk or advice@ageukrichmond.org.uk
We would like to thank The Richmond Charities for supporting Age UK Richmond as one of their 11 local charities whom they assist with funding towards small welfare grants for older people in need. Read more about the work of The Richmond Charities by visiting the website www.richmondcharities.org.uk