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Age UK Tameside is a collective of staff and volunteers led by Marcia Thorpe, Chief Executive Officer (CEO).

The Charity is governed by an experienced and professional voluntary board, with expertise in Finance, Business and specialist knowledge in the Social Care needs of Older people. The Board is led by Robert Needham.

Marcia (CEO) and Robert (Chair of the Board)


Faith-Joanne is our Director of Services and Phil our Finance Officer. Together they make up the Leadership Team at the Charity.

The Charity values the experience, skills, expertise, and knowledge of all its staff as we work together to make a positive difference to the lives of older people in Tameside.

At this year’s Team Building Event, staff looked at ways to build and strengthen the work of the Charity as we move into our new strategic phase for 2024 to 2027.

Team Building Event: December 2023