The Big Knit
The Big Knit
Little hats that fight loneliness.
Loneliness can be a big problem in later life. As many as 200,000 older people in the UK say they haven’t spoken to friends or family for over a month. At Age UK Buckinghamshire, we're working hard to make statistics like this a thing of the past.
Age UK Buckinghamshire uses the money raised by its Innocent hat knitters to help fund the Befriending Service, which provides comfort to older people who are lonely or socially isolated by providing regular companionship.
The Big Knit started back in 2003 as an idea. Age UK joined together with Innocent and asked some older people, and some younger people, to knit little woolly hats. Innocent put those hats on their smoothie bottles, and for each one sold they made a donation of 25p to Age UK.
The idea snowballed and so far the people of the UK have knitted an astonishing 6 million hats. Together knitters across the UK have raised over £2 million for local Age UK charities. We hope we can work together to raise much more in the future.
Keep your eyes peeled for the NEXT Big Knit project!
We sent off 6,193 tlittle knitted hats off to Innocent Towers. All thanks to YOU who participated in the project.
All proceeds from the sales of the Innocent smoothies with the hats on them, help us to keep doing what we do; providing the services we have for the older people of Buckinghamshire.
Knitting patterns
You can still grab your FREE knitting patterns as used in the Big Knit, right here.
Not sure what to knit? Take a look at the Big Knit hall of fame.