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Use your voice to help make Camden a more friendly place for older people.  

Our Older People's Advisory Group (OPAG) is to provide a voice for Camden residents aged 60+.

The group come together on a monthly basis to discuss topics relating to older people and have the opportunity to ask questions and participate in discussions. We regularly have guest speakers and the opportunity to feed into consultations related to our local community. 

Location: British Library, Centre for Conservation, Foyle Suite, 1st Floor.

Time: 10.30am - 12.30pm


  • Thursday 6th March
  • Thursday 17th April
  • Thursday 29th May
  • Thursday 19th June

For more information, please email: 

Meet our members

  • Phyllis

    “It’s like a stew, it all comes together and makes something very nice".

  • Basil

    "I do a bit of good and help other older people in my position".

  • Shahana

    “What I wanted is, I should be active, to participate. I also want to help other people.”

  • Costas

    "Without this group, we won’t have a way of being inclusive, of getting together".

Read about the positive impact of OPAG

In 2021 we surveyed OPAG members and the professionals who came to consult with them. This report demonstrates the positive and life-changing impact of OPAG during the Covid-19 crisis.

Read the impact report