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Information & Advice

Age UK Cheshire service

Growing older doesn't come with a manual. We can provide free and confidential information, advice and support to all older people across Cheshire, their family, friends or carers on a range of topics, over the phone.

Age UK Cheshire

Sharing Time (Telephone Befriending)

Age UK Cheshire service

** Currently the Telephone Befriending Service has reached capacity and is currently not in a position to take on new referrals for the service or to recruit new Volunteers. We will update when the situation changes, but in the meantime we will…

Age UK Cheshire

Independent Living Service

Age UK Cheshire service

Our Independent Living Service is established to help you remain at home, with the right support, for as long as you wish. We offer fully impartial and independent information, advice and support for anyone 65 and over, living in Cheshire West and…

Age UK Cheshire

Bright Memories Dementia Service

Age UK Cheshire service

The Bright Memories service is a day activity group for people living with the early stages of dementia.

At the activity groups, we have a natter and enjoy a wide range of activities that combine mental, physical and social stimulation,…

Age UK Cheshire

Will Writing Service

Age UK Cheshire service

Through Age UK Cheshire you can have a basic* Will written for a special offer of £75, this is a much-reduced fee!

This will be donated in full to Age UK Cheshire, helping to support our vital work locally.

Age UK Cheshire

Coach Trips

Age UK Cheshire service

If you want to discover new places, enjoy beautiful scenery and immerse yourself in Britain's culture, why not join us on a coach trip?

Age UK Cheshire

Green Connections

Age UK Cheshire service

Green Connections is a new project which supports older people in Crewe to reconnect with nature in their yards, gardens and window boxes.

We bring everything to your home and you can choose what to do from our wonderful catalogue of…

Age UK Cheshire

Dementia Club - Cheshire East

Age UK Cheshire service

We offer a day club for people living with dementia and memory problems. We provide a high level of support and a wide range of activities for those attending, as well as providing all important respite for carers.

Our Dementia Club currently…

New Horizons Centre
