Big Knit

Can you help Age UK East Grinstead & District by taking part in the Innocent Big Knit 2022? We will get 25p for every little hat knitted or crocheted and the good news is we can keep on knitting until June 2022!
If there are any knitters out there who would like to use up bits of wool, please consider helping us in this way.
We are an independent local charity and we need funds to enable us to continue to provide services for our elderly members. These include Rainbow Hot Meals home deliveries, Outings and Holidays, Community Outreach Service, Respite for carers of people who are frail or suffering from early signs of dementia, Activity Centre facilities including providing a two-course meal, activities, games, music and so much more.
Please help us if you can. Knitting and crochet patterns can be found here
For more details please contact or send us a message.
Give us call on 01342 327046 when you have a bagful ready or drop them off at Glen Vue Community Hub, Railway Approach, East Grinstead RH19 1BS.
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