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Our services

We’re here to help…

If you’re a Lambeth resident and have any questions about Age UK Lambeth’s services, and how to go about accessing them, please get in touch with our MYcommunity Gateway team. Our line is open to anyone with questions or concerns about accessing support and services. Call 0333 360 3700 or email mycommunity@ageuklambeth.org The service is open Monday - Friday, 9.30am - 4.30pm (closed on weekends and bank holidays).

Please note that we are unable to see clients face-to-face at our current office due to limited space and staff. If you need assistance please call us on 0333 360 3700. We are hoping to relocate to a more appropriate location soon and we look forward to seeing you then.

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Better Together

Age UK Lambeth service

Age UK Lambeth's 'Better Together' team, our Gambling Link workers, are partnering with the Primary Care Gambling Service to raise awareness and provide support with gambling related harms.

Are you worried about your gambling, or that of…

Age UK Lambeth

Warm Homes

Age UK Lambeth service

Our Warm Homes programme is designed to help you stay warm, healthy and comfortable throughout the cold winter months.

How the Warm Homes Programme can Assist you:

1. Help increase your income to pay for energy bills. We provide…

Age UK Lambeth

Lambeth Energy Boost Service

Age UK Lambeth service

Our service supports anyone struggling with energy poverty in Lambeth by providing them with specialised energy advice, from one of our Energy Advisors, to overcome difficulties experienced in paying for their gas and energy bills (excludes water and…

Age UK Lambeth

Exercise and Socialise

Age UK Lambeth service

Age UK Lambeth runs gentle exercise groups for people aged 55 +(predominantly chair based) in various community locations throughout Lambeth. Our programme includes Tai Chi,Pilates , General chair exercises, Stetch, Balance, Flex and Move classes…

Age UK Lambeth

Foot Care

Age UK Lambeth service

Our mission is to ensure that clients receive high-quality foot care services that are tailored to meet their individual need

Our service is provided by an external team of experienced and qualified podiatrists from Excellent care 1st…


Diana's Walks

Age UK Lambeth service

Here at Age UK Lambeth, we have started a healthy walks programme to help encourage the residents of Lambeth to get moving. This is in memory of Diana Kahn, who was Chair of Trustees for Age UK Lambeth between 2011 and 2018. On 13th May 2022, she…

Age UK Lambeth

Vida's cafe

Age UK Lambeth service

Vida's, located in the heart of Brixton off Windrush Square, is fully accessible and has a hearing loop system. Its extensive program offers a wide range of activities designed to help older people create and achieve goals for a happier…


Dementia Services

Age UK Lambeth service

Our Dementia services are drop-in groups open to anyone affected by dementia, including carers. We offer a range of activities, from arts and crafts to singing, music, and summer day trips. You’ll always find a good chat, a cuppa and lots of…

Age UK Lambeth


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