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Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland is committed to delivering high quality customer service. We value your comments in order to maintain and improve the services we provide to you.

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We want to know which things you think we do well, welcome any suggestions for how we can improve our services and, in the unfortunate event that something goes wrong, we would like the opportunity to put things right.

How to provide us with positive feedback and compliments

If we have done something well and you want to provide feedback on your experience or a compliment, simply email and this will be forwarded to the relevant department.

How to help us put things right

In the first instance, if you are unhappy with the level of service you have received, please speak to the relevant member of staff and they will be pleased to discuss this with you and try to resolve any problems or difficulties you may have at the earliest opportunity.

Your feedback, suggestion or complaint will be recorded to help us make our services more effective and efficient.

Our Complaints Process:

Stage 1
If the staff member is unable to resolve the matter to your satisfaction, and your complaint relates to a matter which arose within the last 3 months, please send an email to our Complaints Officer via We will then arrange an investigation into the matter and respond in writing to you within 21 days of receiving your Stage 1 complaint.

If you do not have access to email, please phone 0116 299 2233.

All complaints must be submitted within 3 months of the experience you are complaining about.

Stage 2
When we respond to your Stage 1 complaint, we will enclose a Stage 2 Complaint Form in case you are not satisfied with the outcome of the investigation. We ask that you return this within 28 days should you wish to escalate your complaint further.

On receipt of a Stage 2 Complaint Form, a manager will review your complaint and respond in writing to you within 28 days.

Stage 3
If you have exhausted the above three options and are still not satisfied with the conclusion reached about your complaint, you have the right for the decision to be reviewed by a Complaints Review Panel.

You will have the chance to tell a Panel of three people about your complaint. The meeting will be as informal as possible.

If you would like someone to accompany you at this meeting, we ask that you notify and agree this with the Panel in advance.

The Panel would hope to make a decision within seven working days of the meeting and will write to you giving their decision and the reasons for the decision they have reached. The decision of the Panel is final.

If you would like a full copy of Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland’s Complaints Procedure, it is available upon request by emailing or by calling 0116 299 2233.