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Age UK London Proposes Changes to Draft London Plan

Published on 09 March 2018 03:18 PM

Age UK London wishes to propose a range of amendments to the policies set out in the draft New London Plan.

Our evidence for doing so includes feedback from an older people’s consultation event titled ‘A London Plan for Older People’ on Thursday 8th February 2018 in Brixton. Over 60 people were involved at the event – Participants from across London attended. The aims of the day were twofold: To understand the key issues of the new draft London Plan as they apply to older people, and, to provide constructive comments to secure an age friendly city.

We also carried out a post-event online questionnaire intended to further investigate the views both of the consultation event participants, and of other older people across London.

Older people in London are a distinct but not homogenous group; they vary in terms of ethnic background, wealth and economic wellbeing, tenure, and living conditions. Household size varies, they can live alone, with a partner or extended family, they can be carers for a partner or extended family or be cared for. One of the most important issues defining their outlook and wellbeing is their health. For example, there can be a vast difference in the outlook and needs of a sprightly still healthy 80 year old pensioner and a 60 year old with multiple health conditions, mobility challenges and experiencing social isolation living on Employment and Support Allowance.

Please download our London Plan Review and Policy Proposals below:

A London Plan for Older People 2018