'Now, more than ever - get your free flu jab'

Published on 07 January 2021 10:48 AM
This year, Age UK London ’s flu vaccine campaign will support older Londoners, including those most at risk from flu and Covid-19, with information on the benefits of the vaccine and how it can be accessed.
Now, more than ever - get your flu jab - protect yourself and those around you.
Download our Flu Vaccine Toolkit
Our flu vaccine toolkit has all the facts and figures about the flu virus, the flu vaccine, and will give you all the resources to run a flu vaccine information session yourself.
This winter will see the largest ever NHS flu vaccine campaign in the context of Covid-19. It is vital to ensure older Londoners are informed and supported to access flu vaccine during this flu season.
Age UK London has launched the "Now More Than Ever" campaign, a focused promotion of the flu vaccine across London.The campaign will place additional focus on targeting the boroughs in North and Northwest London - as vaccine uptake is especially low - as well as BAMER older Londoners.
New research from Public Health England (PHE) suggests the risk of death more than doubled for people who tested positive for both flu and Covid-19, compared to those with Covid-19 alone. We are calling on all older Londoners who haven’t had their flu jab to visit their GP or pharmacist as soon as possible to ensure they’re protected from the flu virus.
To book your free flu vaccine, please talk to your GP or pharmacist. You can find your local GP by clicking here and your local pharmacist by clicking here.