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Published on 09 September 2019 04:31 PM

Age UK London is delighted to be a partner in Holobalance - an EU-funded transnational programme taking place over a three year period (Dec 2017 - Nov 2020).

The overall objective of Holobalance is to develop and validate a new personalized hologram coach platform for virtual coaching, motivation and empowerment of the ageing population with balance disorders.

The coaching will involve holograms and augmented reality games, along with easy to use sensors (smart bracelet, smart glasses, sensorized soles) that can be customized to coach the user with specific, individualized exercises, offering new forms of accessible user interaction. Holobalance will engage experts related to the management of people suffering from balance disorders, including physiotherapists, Ear Nose Throat experts (ENTs), neurologists, psychologists, gerontologists, towards developing a multi-stakeholder user centered coaching ecosystem.

Suggestions for specific exercises and tasks and an activity plan will be provided by the experts on a daily basis, which will be then refined and updated through autonomous learning algorithms.

Age UK London is delighted to be involved and will be user testing the products with older Londoners, ensuring that the design is not excluding the older people that will eventually benefit from Holobalance.

Age UK London believes that we can help to change and improve technology by ensuring older people are involved in the early stages of user testing and that Holobalance will be a more inclusive product that works better for everyone, especially the people who need it the most.

To find out more about the programme please visit the Holobalance website, take a look at their latest report or read their latest newsletter here.

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