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Age UK Birmingham relies on volunteers to help us offer vital services in the local community. Would you like to lend a hand?

Volunteer now!

You can get the ball rolling immediately by filling out the online version of the volunteering application form right here, right now! Click the button to begin!

Apply to join us as a volunteer today using this form in Word document format.

Alternatively contact us to obtain a copy by other means.

Download the application form (.docx)

Contact us for further information.

Volunteer roles with Age UK Birmingham and Age UK Sandwell

Contact the Volunteering Team

Any questions? Email the Volunteering team directly - or telephone 0121 437 0033

Why volunteer?

By joining Age UK Birmingham and Age UK Sandwell as a volunteer you’ll play a vital role in improving later life for older people across the city. Volunteering with us is a great way to meet new people, develop your skills and experience and make a meaningful contribution to your community. To help you fulfil your role we will provide;

  • An induction to volunteering with AUKB
  • Relevant guidance and training
  • Regular supervision
  • Opportunities to observe staff and other services
  • Reimbursed travel expenses
  • A friendly and inclusive team environment
  • Professional references following 3 months of volunteering

Who can volunteer?

We accept applications from volunteers 18 years and older. Some volunteer roles require specific skills or other criteria to be able to do the role e.g. be able to drive, be willing to undertake a DBS check. The volunteer role descriptions below will outline any requirements.

In order to ensure we match you to the right volunteer role we follow the recruitment procedure below for all applicants

  • Volunteer application form
  • Informal interview
  • Reference and ID checks
  • DBS check (dependent on role)
  • Volunteer induction

How much time do I need to give?

The timing of the work is a matter to be negotiated between you and your client for your mutual convenience. Some services allow you to dip in and out, others require a regular commitment. We hope there will be something to suit everyone's availability.

What else you can do to support us

  • Fundraise for us

    Could you help us to raise vital funds? Running a fundraising event or even just having a collection pot at a community hall or event can help us help older people across Birmingham through our services.  

  • Get your colleagues involved

    Could you talk to your colleagues or your employer about how you can support us? We have lots of ideas for how organisations can get involved, including sponsoring an event, making us Charity of the Year, or donating equipment.