Age UK Camden launches Warm Heart Camden campaign

Published on 12 November 2018 02:20 PM
Age UK Camden is excited to announce the launch of our winter fundraiser, WarmHeartCamden, tackling the issue of fuel poverty among older people in the borough. We are asking those that don’t need their Winter Fuel Allowance to consider donating it to our Warm Heart Camden campaign instead.
A number of residents in the borough have already donated their Winter Fuel Allowance to us, including the playwright Alan Bennett, and Georgia Gould, Leader of Camden Council, has expressed her support for the campaign. The cartoonist Ken Pyne has drawn us a special WarmHeartCamden cartoon (below). You can hear about why they are supporting the fundraiser by watching the videos below. See more videos of Camden residents who have donated their Winter Fuel Allowance on our Youtube Channel.
The Winter Fuel Allowance is a non means-tested payment of £100 to £300 awarded to all those born on or before May 5, 1953. For those living in fuel poverty having to make the choice between heating and eating, it’s an eagerly anticipated gift of much-needed cash. However, there are wealthier older residents in the borough who are not reliant on their Winter Fuel Allowance and feel it could be put to better use, but don’t know who to give it to.
Age UK Camden is the boots on the ground delivering services to local vulnerable older people in our community. Less than two per cent of our income comes from Age UK, that national campaigning organisation. All money raised by WarmHeartCamden will be spent on running Age UK Camden's vital services. To find out more about how we help older people in Camden live healthy and independent lives click here.
If you'd like to make a donation you can send a cheque in the post made payable to Age UK Camden, Tavis House, 1-6 Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 9NA, or you can make a bank transfer to Account Name: Age Concern Camden Sort Code: 40 52 40 Account Number: 00014936 or find us on Virgin Money Giving here.
Look out for more news about our WarmHeartCamden campaign in the coming months.