Winter Support

Published on 29 December 2022 09:25 AM
Protect yourself this winter
With the cold weather settling in, it is more important than ever for older people to help protect themselves against the flu.
If you're 50 and over, getting your free flu vaccination is a very important way to help protect your health this winter. Contact your GP or your local pharmacy to book your appointment today.
Find out more about the flu vaccine
Age UK Camden's top tips to keeping well this winter
- To save on heating bills, close off rooms you're not using and keep the blinds/windows closed to keep heat in.
- Dress warmly on cold days, even if you're staying inside. Wearing socks and slippers can make a big difference.
- Ask friends, family or neighbours to check on you during cold weather. If you're on your own, ask a neighbour for their phone number in case you need their assistance.
- Put on a hat or scarf if going outside during cold weather. Always wear a waterproof coat or jacket if it's wet or snowy.