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Black Lives Matter

Published on 13 July 2020 10:15 AM

Age UK Camden is committed to supporting Black Lives Matter and the fight for a world where everyone is equal and diversity is celebrated - over 30% of Camden residents are from black or minority ethnic groups.  We will continue to work with passion to ensure that as an organisation we increase awareness of the needs of diverse groups, have zero tolerance to any form of discrimination and ensure our workforce, trustee board and volunteers positively represents our local Camden community.

We fully endorse and support the statement issued by age UK London:


“Like so many others around the world, we were appalled and upset by the killing of George Floyd.

These events have further highlighted the racial inequalities and systemic racism that exist in the UK and London. Black and minority ethnicity older Londoners are twice as likely to live in poverty compared to their white neighbours. London has been one of areas hardest hit by coronavirus and the Public Health England report that showed that black people were both more likely to be diagnosed with Covid-19, and to subsequently die from it, compared to white people.

As a charity we commit to taking the time to educate ourselves and deepening our understanding of racial inequality, as well as taking action to address it as part of our campaign work. We exist to campaign for an Age-Friendly London, and that means a London that includes, understands, meets the needs of, and celebrates the contribution of black older Londoners.”