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Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment workshop at Henderson Court

Published on 26 July 2020 08:31 PM

Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment visited Our Henderson Court Hub in Hampstead for a socially distanced open air concert. The visit marked their first Musicians On Call workshop since lockdown, so it was a real honour for us to host it. Cherry, Katie and Waffy performed a variety of songs for us and told us all about their fascinating instruments, including Waffy’s 200 year old clarinet! It was a wonderful, interactive workshop with incredibly talented, knowledgeable musicians and the audience loved it with people coming out onto their balconies to listen.

During lockdown the OAE streamed their fantastic Musicians On Call Workshops online. You can find all 12 episodes here:

Watch Over The Rainbow performed by Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, Henderson Court, July 2020.