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Nicholas Jemetta in his 12 days of Christmas fancy dress outfits.

What inspired you to start fundraising for Age UK Hertfordshire?

I was moved by the impacts of the Coronavirus situation as we approached a socially isolated Christmas in 2020. It became very clear to me that the loneliness and desperation experienced by older people in my community would increase dramatically. I wanted to do something to help!

What was your fundraising project?

I completed a Fancy Dress at Work Challenge, were I wore 13 Christmas themed fancy dress costumes, attending all my work video calls. I posted all the costumes online across my social media channels. I wanted to spread some festive cheer, give people something to smile about and start more conversations about loneliness and its impact on mental health.

How did you gain support?

The fundraising was promoted through social media, articles in the local paper and interview on the local radio. Friends, family, colleagues and Age UK Hertfordshire also helped to share my fundraising efforts. Sharing what I was doing consistently across many different channels slowly built momentum for my fundraising. It helped me spread my message to more people and caught the attention of more local media outlets.

What was the best part about your fundraising journey?

Knowing I was making a meaningful difference for older people in my local community was incredibly rewarding and humbling. I loved raising money for Age UK Hertfordshire, knowing the money raised would help local people. The whole experience was brilliant and I wouldn’t hesitate to do it again.