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What does food poverty mean?

The Association of UK Dieticians Food poverty does not have a precise definition but can be summarised as the inability of individuals and households to obtain an adequate and nutritious diet in socially acceptable ways or the uncertainty that they will able to do so. The term “food insecurity” is sometimes used instead. The causes of food poverty or insecurity are complex. It can affect those living on low incomes, but also people with limited access to transport, poor housing or physical or mental ill health.  



What are some of the key causes and impacts of food poverty?

Key points from health and statutory professionals include:

  • Food poverty is the consequence of the financial difficulties people have.
  • The inability to secure access to a healthy, nutritious diet is associated with a range of illnesses including an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancers and also mental health disorders, such as depression and anxiety.
  • Lack of access to critical benefits such as Pension Credit and Universal Credit.
  • Lack of access to affordable and nutritious food especially for those who are older and less mobile.
  • There has been a 170% rise in food poverty in Lambeth e.g. Food banks have provided 39,400 with food in local areas.
  • As a result of Covid 19, more people are having to claim welfare benefits.
  • There is an increase in the number of families needing food support.
  • Low wages, insecure employment, and rising costs of living.



Which groups are significantly affected by food poverty?

Lambeth Council confirms food poverty disproportionately occurs among low socioeconomic and low-income families, and certain sections of the population are significantly more at risk of food poverty including:

  • Low-income households;
  • Black and minority ethnic groups;
  • Men living alone;
  • People suffering from mental health issues;
  • Frail and poor older people;
  • People with disabilities.


Why do we need to tackle food poverty and raise awareness?

We at Age UK Lambeth have an ultimate vision to eradicate food poverty. We want to:

  • Promote the right of every individual to be able to afford to purchase food for basic daily living. 
  • Support people to increase their income.
  • Provide education and information on healthy and nutritious eating through our MYSocial service.
  • Raise awareness on the impact of food poverty health issues including malnutrition, obesity and the need for a healthy food diet.
  • Remind people as highlighted by the NHS to eat a balanced diet.  For example, the NHS “EatWell Guide” is a great foundation  for healthy eating



Inspirational quotes from key Lambeth  people

    • Everybody in Lambeth should be able to secure a healthy diet
    • We want to see an end to the need for food banks
    • Everyone has the right to be able to afford to purchase food on a daily basis
    • We don't want people to develop illnesses from lack of, or unhealthy eating.


What’s currently happening in Lambeth to tackle food poverty? 

    • Age UK Lambeth launched its  Food Poverty Campaign here!!.  Help us to help you and your clients, families and friends by downloading, and sharing this information sheet as widely as possible.  Print 
    •  Age UK Lambeth MYSocial Service has previously provided healthy food webinars and will in the near future provide more initiatives aimed at educating more residents…...watch this space!
    • Lambeth  Council launched its “Lambeth Food Poverty and Insecurity Plan” at its Health and Wellbeing Board on 29th April 2021.  https://beta.lambeth.gov.uk/sites/default/files/2021-01/Lambeth%20Food%20Poverty%20and%20Insecuity%20action%20plan%20final%20draft.pdfUntitled
    • Lambeth Larder has a very useful directory of local advice centres, emergency food, and other support.  - https://www.lambethlarder.org/
    • The NHS 20 tips to eat well for less - show how healthy eating does not have to cost more and can save money.



Contact us now if you’re struggling to afford to eat or want to find out more about healthy eating or have fun talking to others about healthy food!

  1. Make direct contact with MYCommunity Helpline on 0333 360 3700.
  2. Contact us if you are struggling financially to check if you are eligible to get Universal Credit or any discounts on your household bills.   https://www.ageuk.org.uk/lambeth/our-services/mycommunity-lambeth/
  3. Have a look at our MYSocial website if you want to have fun and connect with others to learn more about healthy eating and other social activities. Become a member if you aren’t already one https://www.mysocial.london/lambethjoin 
  4. Improve your health by eating more healthily and check out  the Age UK Healthy Eating guide on the useful link below:
