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Here you'll find all the resources from Age UK London's Positive Mental Health conference. This event was held as part of our former project The Way Ahead, which was funded by the City Bridge Trust between 2016 and 2019.

  • Loneliness & Mental Health

    In this presentation, The Campaign to End Loneliness asks how can we combat isolation by making loneliness everyone’s business?

  • Housing & Mental Health

    Jolie Goodman, Later Life Programmes Lead at The Mental Health Foundation, discusses how housing can affect our mental health.

  • Counselling in Later Life

    David Richards, a psychotherapist explains the emotional needs we have in later life and discusses how counselling could help.

  • Staying Sharp

    When it comes to keeping our minds sharp, some of the advice can be confusing or contradictory. Age UK take a look at which claims we can trust.

  • Group Exercise Results

    Take a look at the findings from our group exercises at our Approaches to Positive Mental Health conference, including the resources available across London.