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Each year, billions of pounds of benefits go unclaimed. We can help make sure you're not missing out

Get a free benefits check at Age UK North Craven, our Information and Advice team is here to help.

What's on locally

  • Meals on Wheels Bentham and District

    • Do you live in or near Bentham?
    • Do you, or somebody you know, have difficulty preparing meals?
    • Are you, or do you know someone who is housebound?
    • Do you enjoy good, wholesome, freshly prepared food?

    If you do and would like to use the meals on wheels service,  please ask your GP or nurse to make a referral for you. Meals are delivered on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

    For more information contact:

    Bentham Medical Practice

    Grasmere Drive,



    LA2 7JP

    015242 61202

  • Settle Library Book Group

    The book group meets every 4th Tuesday at 2pm except during December at Settle Library. Everyone welcome.

    For more details  - contact them on  or phone the library on 01609 534535

  • Post cancer peer support

    From October 2023 there will be two new post cancer peer support groups held by Age UK North Craven and Well Together from the Bradford NHS Foundation Trust.

    The groups are open to anyone who has been affected by cancer, whether that is you, a family member or friend.  The groups will be held at:

    The Place Settle on the fourth Monday of the month from 10.30 -11.45 am starting Monday 23rd October

    The meeting room, Bowland View, High Bentham on the fourth Thursday of each month starting on 26th October from 1.00 – 2.00pm

    This is a peer support group and not run by professionals, although we do hope to have health professional guest speakers at some of the meetings.

    We are also looking for volunteers who can assist with the groups, full training will be provided by Well Together.

    For more information please contact Caroline Wilson at Age UK North Craven on or on 01729 823066

  • Dementia friendly walks

    To join in the free dementia walks around Wray,Hornby and surrounding areas contact Rebecca on 07962277205



General Information

  • Healthwatch North Yorkshire

    Healthwatch North Yorkshire is your local health and social care champion. If you use GPs and hospitals, dentists, pharmacies, care homes or other support services in your area, we want to hear about your experiences. We are independent and have the power to make sure NHS leaders and other decision makers listen to local feedback and improve standards of care. We can also help you to find reliable and trustworthy information and advice. Last year, the Healthwatch network helped nearly a million people like you to have your say and get the support you need. We are part of a network of over 150 local Healthwatch across the country.

    For more information visit the website, ring 01423 788128 or email

  • Craven Communities Together Survey

    Craven Communities Together is a group of local organisations
    working together to find solutions to the issues people are
    Complete our ‘Timely Access to Services and Support’ survey to
    let us know what you think needs improving.

    Need our survey in a different format
    or want to complete it by phone, contact Ruth Stockdale on
    t: 07458 301393


    The NHS App is FREE to download and is a safe, secure and easier way to
    book appointments at your GP surgery, order repeat prescriptions, and
    view your medical records at any time, as well as getting medical advice
    whenever you need it.

    Click above to see how to use the App and Click here for instructions on how to set the App up.

  • Warm & Well in North Yorkshire raises awareness of the impact of cold homes on our health and wellbeing, offers practical solutions to reduce fuel poverty, and supports people and communities to stay warm and well in their homes.

    For more information go to or ring them on 01609 767555

    Also look at the Governments STAY WELL THIS WINTER for further interesting information.

If you like social media

Call Age UK North Craven

01729 823 066 01729 823 066

View all contacts

  • First Response

    First Response 0800 952 1181 freephone for urgent mental health support – if you are experiencing something that makes you feel unsafe, distressed or worried.


  • Enabling people and their communities

    to improve health and wellbeing, through access to food, education and support across Craven.
    Craven Food Partnership is made up of organisations and charities in Craven, North Yorkshire.
    Our mission is “Enabling people and their communities to improve health and wellbeing through access to food, education, and support.”

    If you are experiencing difficulty with your cash flow please see our Cash First Leaflet, and remember you are not alone!

    If you need a free food parcel, with no judgement, please see Skipton Food Bank, Bentham Community Pantry, Ingleton Community Pantry, Settle Community Pantry and Hellifield Community Pantry.  Contact details are on the Craven Food Partnership website

  • Step into Action

    Vision Statement ...
    • To provide a central point of contact for all individuals in Skipton community.
    • Offering a gateway to access a range of services and tailored support, widening opportunities for a more fulfilling future.
    • Providing a proactive and dynamic response to changing needs within Skipton Community.
    • Monitoring and evaluating best practice whilst meeting the needs of the Community in providing a cohesive neighbourhood response.


  • Bentham GP Surgery                  015242 61202

    Hellifield GP Surgery                01729 822611

    Ingleton GP Surgery                  015242 61202

    Settle Townhead GP Surgery                                    01729 822611


    Airedale Hospital                      01535 652511

    Skipton General Hospital                                      01756 792233

    Lancaster Royal Infirmary                                    01524 65944

    Westmorland General Hospital                                     01539 732288

    NHS non-emergency number     111


    North Yorkshire Council                                       01609 780780

    Police non-emergency number  101

    North Yorkshire Fire Service                                       01609 780150


    Citizens Advice (Craven)                                     0808 2787900

    Age UK Advice Line (national)                                  0800 6781602

    Mind                                           0300 1232293

    Samaritans                                         116 123


  • Menopause Matters

    Settle & North Craven Menopause Matters group

    Wednesdays Monthly 6.30pm to 8.30pm

    Three Peaks Cycle shop, Market Place, Settle, BD24 9EJ

    Come and join our friendly volunteer led support group and connect with other people who are experiencing the symptoms of menopause.

    Refreshments available

    To join this group please contact the Well Together Service on 

    01274 259190 or


  • Join us at the Wellbeing Cafe Hub

    A safe and supportive place where everybody is welcome. They offer light refreshments and a listening ear. Every Tuesday at The Place, Settle from 1.30 – 3.30

    Details of other Creative Arts and Crafts provided by Pioneer Projects across Craven can be found at   Pioneer Projects – Creative Connections for Wellbeing or by ringing 015242 62672

  • Cost of Living Support

    There are a wide variety of support schemes and organisations in North Yorkshire which may be able to help or advise if you are struggling to pay for essentials.




  • The Place

    A Community Wellness Centre

    The Place in Settle is a charity, set up to help local residents live healthier and happier lives by offering information and advice, and a space for wellness services including:

    • Information and signposting services
    • A space for health-related support and activities
    • Spaces to hire for not-for-profit organisations and businesses
    • Volunteering opportunities
    • Free public-access computer
    • Disabled access and toilets

      Contact The Place on 07918 925699 or 01729 824868

How you can help

  • Older couple at the coast

    Leave a legacy

    Age UK North Craven is committed to being there for older people who need us. If you decide to leave a gift in your will to us, you will be supporting us to make life better for older people in North Craven.

    Leave a legacy 

  • Lend a hand

    Do you have time to lend a hand and help a lonely older person?


  • Shop with us

    Bag a bargain and support Age UK North Craven at the same time.  We have two shops, our Main one on Cheapside and Second Time Around on the High Street.

    Shop with us 

  • Support us

    We rely on your support to keep helping older people in North Craven.


  • We hold the Advice Quality Standard, which provides you with assurance that the we have met certain criteria that demonstrate a commitment to quality.

    For more information : Click Here


  • We would like to thank the National Lottery Community Fund for their support and funding in some of our projects.