Dear Christmas Friend 2024

Published on 01 November 2024 09:37 AM
Dear Christmas Friend 2024
We’re so pleased to be able to bring back this lovely opportunity to add a little cheer to the life of an older person spending Christmas in their care home or in hospital. It’s a wonderful way of letting people know they haven’t been forgotten.
There are some very simple rules to follow so everyone can enjoy the experience.
- Get the younger generation involved. If you have children or grandchildren, encourage them to make a card, write a letter or do some drawing
- If writing a letter, share general information about yourself, such as your job, hobbies, seasonal anecdotes, Christmas traditions or your favourite things about winter
- If sending a card, remember that not everybody is religious or of the same religion, so choose or draw designs that are suitable for everyone
- Offer some reminiscence opportunities. You could mention favourite places or childhood memories, for example
- Postcards with pictures of gardens, animals, pets, art works, or coastal views can all help to stimulate conversations and memories
- Ask questions to encourage the patient to think about their own lives, for example, ‘Christmas Pudding is my favourite part of the meal. What’s your favourite?’
- Sign your card or letter with your first name only
- Don’t stick anything onto your card. Glitter, sequins, twigs and cotton wool might fall off and make a patient uncomfortable or create extra work for the cleaning staff. Letters, paints, felt-tips, wax crayons or pencils only, please
- Don’t add any details that will identify you specifically such as your address, date of birth or age
- Don’t be political or share conspiracy theories
- We have so many different venues for you to choose from and we recommend sending your card, letter or drawing (maybe all 3!) from late November onwards.
Where to send:
Your cards and messages really will make a difference to somebodys life this festive season - All 8 locations will be so grateful to recieve them.