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We rely on your support to help older people in Nottingham & Nottinghamshire. There are many ways you can donate to us.

Ways to give

  • Donate by cheque

    If you would like to write us a cheque, please make it payable to 'Age UK Nottingham & Nottinghamshire' and send it to us at our head office. Please enclose your name, address and contact number with the cheque.

    Get our address 

  • Leave a legacy

    Leaving a gift in your Will enables us to provide vital services for older people in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. Every gift in every Will, no matter how large or small, makes a difference.

    Leave a legacy 

Make your donation go further

With Gift Aid, your donation can be worth even more!

Give regularly

Could you commit to supporting Age UK Notts with a monthly donation of any amount? If so, you can set this up via our MyDonate page or by contacting us for a form.

Thank you for your support!

Get in touch

Other ways to donate

  • Donate in memory

    Pay tribute to the life of a loved one and make their memory last. You can make a donation in their memory by post, by phone or by setting up an online in memory fund.

  • Donate to our Shops

    Our shops are dependent on your generous donation of high quality, unwanted items - spring clean your home and help us!

  • Donate to Men in Sheds

    Our sheds are always in need of unwanted good quality word-working tools, equipment and timber - clear your garden shed or garage and support us!

How your donation makes a difference

  • £6

    provides support to unlock £100 of benefits through our benefits advice.

  • £12

    could pay for a regular visit to a housebound older person’s home

  • £11

    pays for a Men in Sheds woodworking session.