Connect - Community Based Help

- Location: Age UK Nottingham & Nottinghamshire
- Price: Free
Please note, this service is not available outside Age UK Nottingham & Nottinghamshire - Head Office's catchment area.
Telephone: 01623 488217
Age UK Nottingham & Nottinghamshire Connect is a free, friendly, and solution focussed service, helping people to maintain their independence. Since the service started, we have been able to help many people enjoy their life and overcome a wide range of issues through in person or telephone support.
The service is aimed at people aged 18 years and over, with an emphasis on older people and people with learning disabilities and neuro-diverse conditions.
What this service offers
The Connect team can offer information, advice, signposting and practical support around physical and mental health, care needs, housing, finances, social interaction and engagement with community.
We can help you access*:
• Advice and information
• Gardeners, cleaners, and handyperson services
• Home adaptations and living aids
• Social activities, clubs, and groups
• Support groups, advocacy and talking therapy
• Welfare benefits
• Financial advice
• Available transport
• Exercise and falls prevention
• Help manage long term conditions, including dementia
• Support for people with learning disabilities and neurodiversity
• Carer support
• Housing and care options
• Digital skills
• and much more
* Some services may incur a charge
How to access the service in Mid Nottinghamshire and South Nottinghamshire
Referral by family or a friend
Referral by a health professional
Areas covered:
Mid Notts:
Ashfield, Mansfield, Newark, and Sherwood
South Notts:
Gedling, Broxtowe, and Rushcliffe
If this sounds like something that you, or a loved one, would benefit from, please get in touch with our team today:
Call 01623 488217 or email:
Download the referral form below
Please return this form to us by email:
or by post: Age UK Connect, The Lifestyle Centre, 16-18 Bridgeway Centre, Nottingham. NG2 2JD
Professional Referral Link:
See the link to our self-referral form below:
See the link to our self-referral form below:
Connect in other areas of the county:
To access the Contact Framework (North Notts)
Call 01623 675402 or email: