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Our Get up and Go service is here to help people 50 plus who want to get back on track. 

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Everyone goes through hard times throughout their life. You can feel a little stuck, or going through major life changes such as bereavement or a loss.

The Get up & Go service has three different pathways so that we can adjust the support to suit your needs and what matters most to you.

Click on the below pathways to learn more

Get Going Pathway.

• Get Going: For those who are struggling knowing exactly where to start, who are low in mood, and have uncertain anxieties. They may feel like they just don’t have the energy to start making changes to their lives to make them feel better.

We all have periods in our life where we feel sad and lose interest in things we enjoy doing. In time though we get back into feeling more like ourselves again and carry on.
Butterflies in your tummy before a test or stage fright before speaking in public, are common feelings.
Most people can function even though they have these feelings, your body and mind are focused on the task in hand and once this is over the feelings supress.
If you have this butterflies in your tummy or stage fright feeling constantly for no apparent reason or find yourself unable to settle at night through worry or your mind racing our service can help bring some balance back to your life.


Get Busy Pathway

• Get Busy: For those who find themselves quite alone for most of their time. Their lives may have been really busy and interesting, but now they may find themselves completely different to what it used to be

Being alone can cause you to be sad and stressed more then you usually would be. You can feel alone and isolated when maybe, you have moved to a new location, gone through divorce, your children have grown up and moved out, had an illness or disability, or the death of someone significant to you. Getting back into a routine or finding enjoyment in a hobby again to help rebuild structure to your life and get socialising again, and maybe join a club or a group.



Get There Pathway

• Get There: For those who have experienced a loss or bereavement. These events are sometimes hard to navigate, or they may receive advice such as “you will move on eventually” but they are not quite sure how to move on or if they are able to process that grief or loss without some support

How can I get there and how will I feel when I do?
Coping with loss is difficult at any stage of your life. There is no time limit and no set process. Don’t be hard on yourself or compare to other people and what they’re doing, everyone grieves differently. Even many years on you may still feel overwhelmed or numb. Significant dates like birthdays and Christmas can be especially hard. We are here to help you navigate through these challenging feelings



The service offers up to six weeks one-to-one support by our qualified professional staff, who understand the hardships and struggles that life can bring.

The support we offer can be provided in your own home, or at a community space within your local area, as well as group spaces at our centre. These options are available to those who may find it easier in their own home or for those who want to have support from alike people who are going through similar experiences.
If you would like to take up this service, you need to complete a referral form and return it to We also take referrals from GPs, health and social care services and other agencies. Click here for the referral form.

People over 50 can self-refer too, you do not have to go through your GP or other health and social care services. The referral forms are quick and easy to use and there is support available for those who may need help completing them. They can be posted or drop them in at our centre in Ashton.
Once we have your referral form, a member of the Get up and Go team will contact you to arrange a visit to discuss in more detail what you would like to do next.

Want to know more? Call 0161 308 5000 and speak to our Client Services staff.

Find our events in your community

View our online calendar to see Get Up and Go events 

Online Calendar

Drop in Sessions at the Macmillan centre Tameside Hospital will be the first Thursday of each month 10:30am until 2:00pm

Drop in sessions at the Tameside Wellbeing Corner in the Ashton-Under-Lyne indoor Markets is the last Thursday of the month 10:30am - 2:30pm  

Our Community Engagement Officer will be available to come to your community space/service area to deliver interactive mental wellness awareness sessions, including information on how to access Get Up and Go coaching. Please call 0161 308 5000 to arrange a visit and learn more


Useful Contacts


Adult Services Tameside (Urgent Care) - 0161 342 2400

Go to Doc - 0161 336 3252/or phone own GP for out of hours service details

Tameside Hospital - 0161 331 6000

All Emergencies - 112/999 – operator will put through to relevant service

Pennine Care Liaison Mental Health Service - 0161 716 3636

Samaritans - 116 123

Silver line - 0800 4 70 80 90

Anxiety UK – 08444 775 774

Depression Alliance- 0845 123 2320

Tameside Carers Centre – 0161 342 3344

Emergency Social Services Call in the event of unexpected major problem within the home or family: Tameside - 0161 342 2222


Age UK Tameside Get Up and Go are proud to be offering our support to Tameside&Glossop Macmillan Information and Support Services and be part of their referral pathway 

click here for more information and how to access further support