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What our users say about us

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Published on 02 June 2021 10:04 AM

Listening to our users

In our latest user survey, we got to hear all about what our users thought about Age UK Westminster, and we were extremely pleased with the results.

Our most popular services were Information and Advice (42%), activities (40%), Christmas lunch provision (33%) and special events (26%).

Over 90% of respondents rated our service as ‘high’ or ‘very high’, as well as nearly 70% reporting that our support during the pandemic has been ‘extremely’ or ‘very’ important to them. These are both amazing results for us as a community organisation.

The pandemic has meant that over 70% of respondents wanted to spend more time online, with potential barriers being not having a laptop or tablet, needing some education about being online, needing support when things go wrong and lack of confidence. 

This is why Age UK Westminster run a Digital Champion programme, which asks volunteers to donate their time to helping older residents in Westminster to get online and stay online. If you’d like to learn more about volunteering to help us with this, please visit the Digital Champion page.

For those who completed our user survey, they were entered into a draw to win one of three tablets. The winners of our tablets were Charles, Dadou and Asha, who we hope will feel more digitally included with their prizes!

The winners of our tablets


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