About us

We're an independent local charity working in the community to support older people, their families and carers. We want everyone to be able to love later life.
Mission Statement
Age UK Wirral exists to promote the wellbeing of older people on the Wirral, helping to make later life a fulfilling and enjoyable experience.
Who we are
The roots of Age UK Wirral go back to 1948, to a small office in Hamilton Square where an Old People's Welfare Committee was formed for the welfare of older people in the Birkenhead area. It was run by one volunteer who provided advice and information for older local people.
We now have 170 dedicated staff and over 700 volunteers helping us to deliver services and activities for older people on the Wirral.
Where you can find us
Our main office is based in Birkenhead Park, we also have offices in Bromborough and Birkenhead town centre as well as several of charity shops across the Wirral.
How we are funded
We rely on your support to keep serving the community. We are supported by donations from the public, income from our charity shops, and some charitable grants.
Meet our people
Meet our staff
We have a team of over 170 dedicated staff members helping us to deliver information and advice, classes, residential and day care, lunch corners and lots lots more .
Find out about our volunteers
Our services couldn't run without the help of our amazing volunteer team. Find out more about our volunteers and how you can become a volunteer too.
Organisational Quality Standards
We are proud to have achieved the Organisational Quality Standards for local Age UKs in England.
Our achievement of the Organisational Quality Standards recognises the high standard of our performance as an organisation. It certifies that we are a well-governed and effective organisation committed to the wellbeing of older people, our staff and volunteers and to working in partnership with others. The Standards are externally assessed by industry leaders SGS and endorsed by the Charity Commission.
To find out more about our Organisational Quality Standards certification, please contact us.
Assessed by SGS United Kingdom Limited
Data protection and confidentiality
Age UK Wirral has a strict confidentiality policy in place across the organisation, a copy of which is available upon request. There may be occasions, however, when the law requires us to breach confidentiality.
Age UK Wirral has to keep certain information about the people that we work with in order to carry out our day to day activity, meet our objectives, comply with the requirements of funders and to adhere to legal obligations.
We are committed to ensuring that any personal data is dealt with in line with the Data Protection Act 1998, and personal information will be collected and used fairly, stored safely and not disclosed to any other person unlawfully. For further information please ask to see a copy of our Data Protection & Information Handling Policy.
Our Visions and Values
Our Vision for Age UK Wirral is that it will:
• Be a high profile organisation, visibly active in the community, and the first point of contact for older people in the Borough wanting information or support
• Deliver a range of high quality services and activities that respond to the needs, expectations and aspirations of people in the local community, making a difference to their later life and adding social value.
• Have a focus on early intervention and prevention of deterioration in peoples’ health and well-being, in order to maintain their independence and quality of life for as long as possible.
• Have clearly defined charitable services as well as those delivered under contract
• Have a variety of secure funding streams, from both external sources and self-generated income, to establish a sound, firmly controlled financial basis for its continuing operation and development
• Be working in partnership rather than competition if this achieves the best result for older people
• Have a workforce we can be proud of, who feel valued, supported and respected.
Our Structure and Trustees
As a registered charity, we have Trustees who have legal and financial responsibilities and who make decisions on policy matters relating to Age UK Wirral. These Trustees are volunteers and together form the Board of Directors of both Age UK Wirral and Age UK Wirral Services. They delegate the task of managing the day to day operations of the organisation, along the lines of policies they set, to the Chief Executive and Senior Management Team.
The Board of Directors are supported by a Finance Committee, responsible for regular monitoring of the organisations finances, and a Services Committee, responsible for setting and monitoring standards within each area of our activities, to ensure we provide a high quality service. The Service Review Committee includes individuals who are not Directors, but have appropriate expertise to contribute to the task in hand. This includes volunteers working within the activity under review.
Current Board of Directors
Mr Paul Smith (Chairman)
Dr Liz White (Vice-Chair)
Mr Myles Edwards (Treasurer)
Mr George Rennie
Mr Brian Williams
Professor Mike Jones
Ms Ruth Rogers
Mrs Karalie Burke
Mr Keith Bailey
Mrs Patsy Crocker
Mr Ray Jones
Mr Stephen Fletcher
Trustee Application Form
Click here to download an application form
Trustees' Annual Report