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Urgent Public Statement

Published on 13 August 2020 10:14 AM

Urgent Public Statement - Jamie Anderson Chief Executive Age UK Wirral 23 March

‘The Government announcement this evening has naturally caused concern, anxiety and confusion.

In an unprecedented step, I am reaching out to anyone and everyone in Wirral to play their part in helping our Borough to do its very best to respond to the current situation in a calm, safe and appropriate way.

For those people who do not live and breathe the world of statutory, third sector and civil life, please remember that all of the organisations currently trying to interpret what is being said by Government and trying to adapt, adopt, flex and communicate are comprised of normal everyday people - I am privileged to be working at the moment with a small group of people no different to any of you who are all working around the clock to take personal responsibility for decisions, policies and protocol that will govern and direct the actions of extensive workforces across Wirral who cannot possibly just ‘stop’.

From Age UK Wirral’s perspective, I will be working throughout the course of tonight to adapt our response to the current situation to both ensure that we support the latest national directive whilst also increasing the level of support we need to deploy to support the most vulnerable people in our community.

The announcements tonight absolutely do not stop anyone and everyone from supporting their friends, families, closest and dearest, to remain as well as we can possibly manage over the coming days and weeks.

My personal ask to everyone right now is that we all take personal responsibility for how we react to the emerging situation over the coming hours and days. Please show compassion and support to those around you who are tirelessly working to mitigate against potentially devastating impacts. Please take ethical and moral responsibility for your social media postings - in the current digital age, one  of the most difficult things we are trying to overcome is the effect that social media can have in perpetuating incorrect and unhelpful information.

Finally, please stay safe, stay well and support those around you. I can confidently say that as an organisation we will be reaching out to each and every one of you during the coming days, weeks and months to ask for your help and support. Let us stand together as One Wirral and show the rest of the country and the world how we can respond.

With my very best wishes,
