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As a charity we raise funds through sale of goods in our shops. However sometimes we cannot sell donated goods for legal reasons or because items are too damaged to be fit for sale.

Unsaleable Goods

It is very common for goods that are donated to our shops to be unfit for sale to the general public. There are some categories of goods that cannot be sold for legal reasons or to which statutory restrictions apply. 

Are the donated goods fit for sale to the public, or should they be recycled or disposed of? 

There are also goods that are simply too damaged or worn to be fit for sale to the general public, and our charity shops may refuse to accept goods that they cannot sell. Items such as video tapes, cassette tapes and used duvets and pillows cannot be accepted. 

In addition, there may be goods that our shops do not think will sell or are of saleable quality, therefore we choose to sell these items to our recycling partner, raising valuable funds and minimising the impact on the environment. 

From the 1st April 2015 until 31st March 2016 7% of our total sales were raised through the recycling of donated goods.