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Age UK Bradford District have six community Hubs, each one offering a range of functions– Information, Help & Support, Advice & Casework, Activities & Groups and Shopping​ - while focusing on the needs identified by local older people and working with the skills and resources from Bradford’s diverse neighbourhoods and communities to support older people.

The six Hubs are based in our premises in Allerton, Idle, Keighley, Queensbury, Shipley and Wrose. 

Each feature Area Impact Teams and offer a wide range of services more locally and more responsively to local needs than we have been able to provide previously. They serve the communities as defined by Bradford Council’s area structure and the five constituencies of Bradford District: 

  • Bradford East
  • Bradford South
  • Bradford West
  • Keighley and Ilkley
  • Shipley and Bingley

Everyone is welcome at the Hubs, so if you’re in the area you can always pop in to access our range of offerings.

Each area has a Hub Development Coordinator who is responsible for engaging with communities and building Age UK Bradford District’s offer across the area, developing over time to deliver the following: 

  • Community Groups
  • Campaigns and influencing
  • Casework
  • Advice
  • Shopping
  • Information and Signposting
  • Fundraising
  • Community partnerships

Find out more about your local Hub

To best serve the community where each Hub is located, we have staff in place who are responsible for engaging with the community and building Age UK Bradford District’s offer across the area.

The Hub opening hours and contact details are here - please check back as these are subject to change each week.