Information and Advice

Please note that the current estimated response time for queries is up to 3 weeks
A free and confidential information and advice service
Our Information & Advice service is available for people over 55 who live or work in Bristol. We also offer advice to family members who are supporting older relatives who are over 55 and live in Bristol.
The service is provided by a small staff team and a team of trained volunteers. We can offer advice and information on a wide range of issues, including:
- Benefits and allowances, including Pension Credit & Attendance Allowance
- Help completing forms
- Housing
- Council Tax
- Priority debts, such as rent & utility arrears
- Social care services
- Care homes
- Lasting Power of Attorney
- Wills
If we cannot advise on an issue, we will try to find an organisation that can help. Unfortunately, we cannot offer financial advice (i.e. advice about stocks, shares, investments, etc.) or on credit debts (i.e. commercial loans, overdrafts, HP, etc.). We also cannot offer advice on immigration or employment issues.
Dementia Specialist Advice
We can offer dementia specialist information and advice to older people, their families, and carers on a range of topics. This includes:
- Benefits, pensions, and allowances
- Lasting Power of Attorney
- Social Care
Please get in touch if you would like some support.
How to get in touch
Age UK Bristol Helpline:
You can call our Helpline on 0117 929 7537 and one of our team will take your information and pass it on to the Information and Advice team. Our reception line is open Mon - Fri, 10am - 1pm.
We previously provided a separate adviceline number on 0117 922 5353 – this line is now closed.
Professionals who want to refer a client: We are now asking professionals and other agencies to make written referrals rather than telephone referrals. This is to ensure we can provide the service required, and that we have all relevant information when the referral is made.
Please check we can actually provide the service being requested – for instance, we do not provide an ongoing support service though the I&A team.
Please download the referral form from here: REFERRAL FORM
This can then either be posted to us, or password-protected and emailed to Please email passwords separately or send us your contact details so we can call you and agree a password for your organisational referrals.
Home visits & office appointments
We have a limited number of Home Visits available for clients where we cannot offer advice over the telephone or in writing. Please contact our helpline as above or email We would ask professionals to submit written referrals, as above.
Free booklets and online information
Read our info guides
Age UK produces free information guides and factsheets on a wide range of topics, including home adaptations, dementia, and advice for carers. You can find a complete list of guides and factsheets on the Age UK national website.
Benefits Calculator
Age UK's benefits calculator will help you find out what benefits you could claim. The calculator covers England, Scotland and Wales. It is free to use, and the details you provide are anonymous.