Age Friendly Work in Herts
See how organisations in Hertfordshire are working towards making Hertfordshire Age Friendly

Adult Care Services - Assistive technology
There are lots of ways that technology can help you around your home - from reminding you to take your medication to getting help if you fall and can't reach the phone.
Devices can be standalone, linked to family or carers, or they can be connected to a team of trained advisors in a monitoring centre who will ensure you get the support you need.
Learn more about the available options and how they can benefit you by visiting:
North Herts Council - Generations Together Video
North Hertfordshire District Council and Hillshott Infant School partnered to pilot an intergenerational project: "Generations Together".
For five weeks, children aged 4-5 years old came together with older adults and enjoyed a range of activities including a farm visit, party games, baking, sports day, craft activities and more.
A short film has been made about this excellent project:
Case Studies
Hertfordshire Slipper Swaps & provision of social care information
Here's how Hertfordshire Libaries is providing social care information through large events such as Slipper Swaps.
Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership
Here's how Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership is working towards making Hertfordshire an Age Friendly Community.
Everyone Active
Here's how Everyone Active is working towards making Hertfordshire an Age Friendly Community.