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We rely on your support to help older people in Portsmouth.

Age UK Portsmouth is your local Portsmouth and South East Hampshire charity. We are truly independent whilst working in partnership with Age UK which is a separate, registered charity in its own right.

Local Age UK charities, of which Age UK Portsmouth is one, carry out the groundwork in our national relationship. We offer local services, support and genuine care for everyone who we help or interact with, either at the Bradbury Centre in Kingston Road or within your home if that suits you best.

Age UK Portsmouth is an independent charity, responsible for raising its own funds, with its own board of trustees, Chief Executive Officer and leadership team.

There are over 130 local Age UKs in England; and hundreds of smaller organisations called Age UK Friends and Forums, all of whom are trying to raise funds locally for their own local causes and needs.

If you or a loved one have benefited from one of our services, or you just want a way to help support older people locally, then please consider giving a donation to Age UK Portsmouth. Your gift, however large or small, will make a genuine difference to the lives of older people who need our help and support.

Your donation can be sent by post to Age UK Portsmouth, The Bradbury Centre, 16-18 Kingston Road, Portsmouth PO1 5RZ.

You can make a donation online by visiting Age UK Portsmouth's JustGiving page or you can scan our QR code to be taken directly to our JustGiving page.

What difference your money makes

Your donation of £5.00
could pay for an IT Class session for one older person to learn the skills to stay safely connected while talking to their families.

Your donation of £25.00
could pay for five cooked breakfasts for ex-service men and women enabling them to attend Age UK Portsmouth’s dedicated monthly social event.

Your donation of £50.00
could pay for professional entertainment for a group of older people, ensuring they get out and meet with friends.

Your donation of £100.00
could pay for four older people to receive a benefits and entitlements check including help with completion of any application processes which can be life changing.

Your donation of £300.00
could pay for a day out for a group of 10 older people to a local attraction.

Help us be there for the older people of Portsmouth day after day

  • Donate your foreign currency and pre-decimal coins

    You can help us raise funds by donating any unwanted old or foreign currency.

    We can accept:

    • foreign coins and notes
    • pre-Euro currency
    • pre-decimal coins
    • commemorative coins
    • obsolete currency

    You can leave your donation of foreign coins with our Reception at the Bradbury Centre.

  • Don't forget to Gift Aid your donation

    We can make your gift worth 25% more! The Gift Aid scheme allows charities to claim back the tax paid on donations, which means we get more out of the money you give to us.

    If you are a UK taxpayer, you can Gift Aid any donations you make.

    All you need to do is fill out a simple Gift Aid declaration form so that we can claim back the tax paid from HMRC.

    You can download a Gift Aid form below. The Single Donation form can be used for one-off donations or the Multiple Donation form will also include any donations you make in the future and those made over the last four years.

    Gift Aid Declaration - Single Donation (PDF, 126 KB)

    Gift Aid Donation - Multiple Donation (PDF, 126 KB)