Compliments & Complaints

Age UK Solihull aims to provide a consistently high level of service to older people in the Borough of Solihull. The Charity's complaints and compliments policy is designed to protect those that the Charity exists to help; to be responsive to the views of everyone concerned with the welfare of people in later life; to assist in the review and improvement of its services; and also to provide a fair hearing for anyone against whom a complaint is made.
Have your say (easy read)
Complaints Procedure
Age UK Solihull believes that those using its services should find it easy to make a complaint and/or register a concern. It is our policy to welcome complaints and look upon them as an opportunity to learn, adapt, improve and provide better services. Our policy to ensure that complaints are dealt with properly and that all complaints or comments by service users are taken seriously and will be acted upon in an open, fair and honest manner.
When dealing with complaints it is not our intention to apportion blame, consider the possibility of negligence or to provide compensation.
Services we provide to you will not be affected because you have made a complaint.
If you require assistance and/or support to make a complaint or express concerns we can provide you with an appropriate person to support you.
If you wish to make a complaint or express concerns about any Age UK Solihull services, in the first instance you may speak to the member of staff or volunteer concerned or ask to speak to the manager of the service as we may be able to resolve your complaint informally.
You have the right to make a formal complaint. Formal complaints should be directed in writing to the Age UK Solihull Chief Executive Officer, Lower Ground Floor, The Core, Solihull B91 3RG, by email to, by telephone on 0121 704 7840 or via our website ‘Contact Us’ form.
If a service delivered by Age UK Solihull is funded and/or commissioned by Solihull Council or the Birmingham and Solihull Clinical Commissioning Group you have a right to make your complaint directly to them.
Complaints relating to a Solihull Council commissioned service will follow the ‘Adult Care and Support Process for Solihull Council’s Contracted Providers when Dealing with Formal Complaints’. Solihull Council Performance and Complaints Team can be contacted in writing to the Children's and Adults Complaints Team, The Council House, Solihull, B91 3QB, by email or by telephone on 0121 704 8296.
Complaints relating to a Solihull Clinical Commissioning Group service can be directed to NHS Birmingham and Solihull Clinical Commissioning Group, Complaints Department, Floor Four, Attwood Green Health Centre, 30 Bath Row, Birmingham, B15 1LZ, by email to or by telephone on 0121 203 3313.
If you make a complaint it will be acknowledged within 5 working days and any written response provided within 28 days. We will keep you fully updated on the progress of your complaint.
Compaints Policy related to FCA Regulated Services (such as debt advice)
You can request this information in formats suitable to meet your communication and/or information needs if you have a disability, impairment or sensory loss.
Compliments Procedure
Any positive feedback received due to the provision of good service by either a team or an individual will be passed on to the person(s) concerned and a record kept on their personnel/volunteer file. Any positive feeback received from service users, their relatives and their carers, will be acknowledged.
Compliments and positive feedback can be received via our ‘Contact Us’ form on our website or via email at
Alternatively please contact us by telephone on 0121 704 7840 and indicate which service or person your compliment relates to.