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Befriending Service

Our Befriending Service provides companionship and support to older people over the age of sixty. In most cases, priority is given to those living in their own home. Many older people have few social contacts and feel socially isolated and lonely. We try to alleviate this by matching the older person with a carefully selected volunteer who agrees to visit/telephone.

We are unable to support people experiencing a mental health issue or a dementia/memory loss diagnosis. Please contact our Information & Advice team on 01904 634061 who will be happy to help you find a service which may support you better (eg. carer respite, day clubs, Dementia Forward, Alzheimer’s Society, York Carers Centre, etc.).

Face to Face Befriending

A befriender will visit an older person in their own home on a regular basis for about an hour.

Telephone Befriending

A telephone befriender provides social contact and companionship via a regular telephone call.

Keeping In Touch Service

Our Keeping In Touch service provides a monthly telephone call to monitor the health and well-being of the older person. The call provides friendship and the opportunity to raise any questions or concerns the older person may have.

Befriending Cafes

Befriending Cafes give older people and volunteers an opportunity to meeting informally in a social setting to chat and share experiences. You can find out about these events here.

Referrals to Befriending

Currently, we have a temporary hold on accepting new referrals. If you wish to make a referral to our befriending service, then please read our referral criteria.

We are looking for more volunteers to support this service. If you would like to volunteer to help reduce social isolation, please visit our volunteer page.

For a copy of our befriending leaflet, click here.