Easy Fundraising

Published on 02 December 2019 12:10 PM
YOU can fundraise for us at NO COST to you if you do online shopping via an access portal, called Give as you Live.
From the Give as you Live page you can get to almost all retailers and then do your shopping as normal. The retailers make a donation to us based upon the amount you spend, which varies between retailers, but it doesn't cost you anything. Groceries, furniture, electricals, travel, holidays, days out, gifts and much more can be bought and everything will fundraise for us!
All you need to do is create an account from this link – just click on the green Support us and follow the instructions. Remember to bookmark the page and every time you shop on line go to the retailer via your account.
You can also download the app to your mobile and every time you shop enter first through the Give as you Live icon - a shopping trolley in a blue heart.
You can shop by category or by store - simply enter the store name in the search bar.
Please share this with all of your friends and family – LET’S GET FUNDRAISING TOGETHER for Age UK Camabridgeshire and Peterborough!
All money raised is spent in our services directly supporting older people and their carers who live in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. We provide services to offer practical help and support so people can remain living in their own homes. We offer lots of social opportunities for people to meet others, to reduce loneliness, take part in fun activities and share a hot meal in company.
We are an independeant charity and must raise all of our own funds to provide our local services.
Please join us to help make Cambridgeshire and Peterborough a good place to grow older. #fundraising #ageukcap #LetsDoThis