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Our Staff give an insight into their typical working day or week in this series of diaries.

Community Wardens

  • Tracey, Swavesey Community Warden

    My working morning starts at 9am, I check my emails and texts for any updates from Age UK Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. Some Service Users email or text me with their shopping lists or errands they need doing. I also receive updates from carers and families regarding service users....

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  • Juliet, Stapleford Community Warden

    My name is Juliet the community warden for Stapleford. I work 2 to 3 hours a day to make up a 12-hour week (Mon-Fri). A typical week involves a mixture of phone calls and visits, supporting people with small jobs in and around their home, and community networking within the village or with other support groups...

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Home Support Workers

  • Zoe, Home Support Worker

    Hello, my name is Zoe, I am a home support worker for Age UK, I work part-time & can fit my hours working for the Home Support Service around my other activities. Below is my diary of what I did last week, but I also want to share why I do what I do and how much I enjoy it...

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Cambridgeshire Handyperson

  • Stewart, Handyperson Assessor

    Hello, I'm Stewart. I work part-time (Monday, Tuesdays and Wednesdays) for AGE UK Cambridgeshire and Peterborough as a member of the 8 person Cambridgeshire Handyperson (CHP) Service Team...

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Sharing Time

  • Helen, Sharing Time Co-ordinator

    Hello, my name is Helen Lancaster, and I am a Sharing Time co-ordinator. Sharing Time is a volunteer visiting service.  My role is to match our Sharing Time volunteers to our service users (anyone over the age of 65 who is living alone and experiencing loneliness or isolation)...

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Friendship Clubs

  • Sarah, Friendship Club Organiser

    Hi there, my name is Sarah. I have been working as the Friendship Club Organiser since June 2022. Although new, I already feel deeply connected to the ethos within Age UK Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. My role is to support all the Friendship Clubs that operate within our Peterborough region with practical support and guidance...

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Day Centres

  • Linda, Day Centre Organiser

    Hello, I'm Linda and a Day Centre Organiser at the Orton Day Centre in Peterborough. I have worked for Age UK Cambridgeshire and Peterborough for over 7 years. I came here after volunteering at a cafe for elderly people which I loved so much I applied for this role to see how I would get on, and I have never looked back...

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Hospital Support

  • Andy, Hospital Support Worker

    My day started with meeting up with a new colleague, Emma, who had recently joined the team anwho was shadowing me for the day as part of her training.Our first visit was to a service user who had been referred to the Hospital Discharge Service by a social worker from Addenbrookes Hospital...

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Information and Advice Officers

  • Kirsty, Information and Advice Office

    I have worked in advice and guidance within charities and social housing for 16 years. It is a job I enjoy and care about, and I believe that I can make a difference in people’s lives on a daily basis...

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