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A Day in the Life of...

Published on 07 December 2022 01:36 PM

Linda, Day Centre Organiser (Interim)

Hello, I'm Linda and a Day Centre Organiser at the Orton Day Centre in Peterborough. I have worked for Age UK Cambridgeshire and Peterborough for over 7 years. I came here after volunteering at a cafe for elderly people which I loved so much I applied for this role to see how I would get on, and I have never looked back! My role is to organise the experience at the day centre for everyone to enjoy.

We are very lucky to have an amazing team of volunteers who have taught me so much. We bounce ideas off each other, advise each other and help each other to provide friendship, fun and laughter in abundance. I love this photo of the team at our platinum jubilee party earlier this year.

My day starts quite early, as I live over half an hour away from the centre and I like to get there in plenty of time, to make sure all is ready before our service users arrive. Activities planned for the day can range from quizzes to a sing song, a game of skittles and ALWAYS a game of Bingo with prizes, as our service users love this game!

Here's my day:

8.30am - The first hour is spent getting things ready. Activities are chosen (we’ll play bowls this morning), quizzes printed, and the kitchen is opened up in readiness for beverages to be made and a meal delivery at lunchtime. I put the CD player on with some 50’s or 60’s memories playing in the background for when people arrive. The teapot is out, biscuit tins filled, chairs and tables sorted into a cosy circle. I welcome the volunteers. I smile and watch the clock, excited for the room to fill with lovely chatter.

9.30am – The service users arrive anywhere from 9.30am, the kettle is on and once the tea trolley goes into action, we sit and chat about how we all are and what we have all been up to. We like to keep updated with news so we can put the world to rights and of course we make a great judging panel for ‘Strictly Come Dancing’ every year, without fail! If anyone is having a tough time for whatever reason, someone here will offer advice or sometimes just be a listening ear.

After everyone is settled, this morning we play one of our favourite games - bowls. If someone could hear us, they would wonder what was happening with the sounds of “Ooooooh….that was close” or us singing “Under the table we must go, ee I ee I ee I O”, when someone’s ball rolls under the dining table yet again!! There is a bit of cheating going on (not mentioning any names). With the scores tallied up and winners announced, we still have time for Musical Bingo… a memory lane game.

12.00pm LUNCH TIME - The service users love gathering around the dining tables for a chat while they enjoy their lunch.

1.00pm We have a birthday today, so lunch is followed by a cuppa and cake. Photos are taken in a Birthday Hat and a sing song is enjoyed by everyone. Time now for relaxing with maybe a word search or a crossword. Or maybe just a little snooze.

1.30pm BINGO TIME - We would never get away with not playing Bingo every afternoon. It is lovely to watch how generous everyone is. If someone hasn’t won, someone else will give them their prize. This can be anything from a chocolate bar to a hand knitted hat.

2.30pm Time to get ready for home. Taxis are called, relatives arrive, and bingo prizes are bagged up ready to go. The volunteers help to put everything away and then go home themselves. I couldn’t do it all without them, and I tell them so. Every word is true. It has been another fabulous day - time to kick off my shoes and have 5 minutes…

3.00pm I spend some time in the office, catching up with paperwork and emails. I contact someone enquiring about attending the centre, make a shopping list for what supplies we need, and then finally shut up for the day. I need to go and buy some more bingo prizes before making my way home. I am already looking forward to our next day together.

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